
  • 30 min - $95

  • 60 min - $155

  • 75 min - $195

  • 90 min - $225

  • 2 hours - $315

  • 2.5 hours - $380

  • 3 hours - $460

  • 4 hours - $620

*couples massage, mobile massage, and four-handed massage differ in price.

Exact prices listed below each menu item.


Add on CBD oil massage + Gift for only $40:

Enhance your massage by nurturing your nervous system and skin with the healing properties of CBD, known for its natural and effective pain-relieving benefits. Take home you own CBD massage and body butter balm after your session (value $30). Featuring vitamin E, essential oils, arnica, organic coconut oil, fair-trade shea butter, locally-sourced CBD oil and hand crafted and blessed in Telluride, CO, Tim's Trauma Balm. (Does not contain THC, nor any pscho-active components).    



What is 4 handed massage?

What is Yogasage/Beyond deep tissue?

What is AcroSage?